Thursday, June 20, 2013

3 years old

Happy Birthday to my crazy beautiful, funny, cuddly, and adorable Lucy. 

Life has not been the same since you came and I wouldn't change it for the world.
We love you! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fathers Day 2013

a little history...

Fathers Day has always been a little bit of a touchy subject. 
Growing up my Dad wasn't too bad.
 He always got cute hand prints, poems and cards from Sean and I with loving messages of worlds greatest Dad written all over it. And I will go as far to say he wasn't the world greatest Dad but he did alright by way of an 8 year old standards.

Then 2001 came and everything changed.
I was 15
my father made some pretty horrible decisions and went to prison for quite a while. 

From then on and up to his passing in March 2012 I didn't quite acknowledge him as my father and have had probably a handful of conversations with him in that time as well. 

I have come to better terms with my feelings about him for the most part but it still made Fathers Day difficult. 

It was hard not to feel cheated or upset.

This years feelings were so different than the feelings of Fathers Days prior.
I woke up with a feeling of gratefulness comfort and being blessed.

I am so thankful of my dear husband Matt. 
There is no one I could have hand picked who could be a better father to Jack and Lucy.
No one loves them, has more patience, or compassion for them than him.
I find my self watching him often with such amazement and thankfulness to The Lord for him in our lives. 

I also have an amazing father-in-law
He and my mother in law are such a great example of what a God filled marriage should look like. 
Not to mention the love he has for his children and grandchildren is amazing. 
He is such a wonderful man and I am so thankful for him.

This fathers day was so special, I didn't feel sad, or upset like I missed out on something. I know the Lord has provided me these 2 wonderful men in my life and I am so blessed.
I couldn't ask for more.

Happy Fathers Day!


Friday, June 7, 2013

Macaroni and Tomato Juice

it's not natural
it not that good (in my opinion)
and the passion for it is not normal
but that most likely because I am not a Ririe by blood
Its Macaroni and Tomato Juice. 

That's right, I said it, macaroni and tomato juice. 
That's it. 
Regular Elbow Macaroni and Campbell's Tomato Juice 
(ok, Ill be honest its typically not Campbell's brand because lets face it, If I'm going to eat the food I'm usually not going for spending anymore than I have to on some name brand ingredient that will not improve the taste in the least)    

Here is why I bring this meal up.
It is a Ririe staple. Its amazing, they could literally live on the stuff. 
This isn't a learned skill, its in their blood.

One of the first meals I had with my then to be future in-law was M&T. And I have had it with them many times since then. (Although to my understanding my mother in-law isn't too fond of the stuff either)

I know my brother-in-law and his wife eat it often.

And my children would eat this meal every night for dinner if they could. 

It's amazing (and a little weird) the passion that comes with this meal.

Now I do have to admit, I do eat this meal, and I will continue to eat this meal.
 Because I married Mr. Ririe and eating M&T for dinner 2 plus nights a week was part of our wedding vows. 

And also because its cheap, easy to cook, and my kids will never fight me on it. 

Try it, let me know what you think.