This sleepy fellow is 8 months old today.
8 months going on 3 years.
He is such a big boy all of a sudden.
He wants so badly to hang out with his brother and sister.
It seems as though each day he is learning to do something new.
From 7 months to 8 months he went from army crawling, to crawling, to pulling him self up to anything and everything and standing.
I predict he will be walking with a huge amount of pride by about 9 1/2 months old.
He is so proud of what he can do.
Matt and I on the other hand can't believe it. Especially with how much baby proofing we have had to do. Again!!
He is currently drinking formula bottles only. At first this was a hard transition but seems to be doing very well now.
He eats lots of different fruits and veggies and loves carrots and blueberries the most.
Sleep.. it is still a work in progress. This last week he has woken up 1-2 times each night which is very much an improvement from a month ago and even more so, Daddy can help now!! Yay.
Max loves his blankies at night. He is very much a Ririe in that sense.
He still only has his 2 bottom teeth. Part of me is hoping it stay this way for awhile longer because his two teeth smile is the cutest thing ever.
He is still full of smiles and has the sweetest personality ever and we love it and him.
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