Saturday, March 8, 2014

5 months (1/22/14-2/22/14)


Happy doesn't even begin to describe Max. 
He is always smiling. Always laughing, even in his sleep.
We laugh because it seems like he is consistently being blown away by something.
It is like he is constantly going, 
"OH.MY.GOSH! Your talking."
"OH.MY.GOSH! Your feeding me."
"OH.MY.GOSH! Your changing my diaper. "
"This is amazing."

He loves his brother and sister and often think they are hilarious. He is so patient. Max gets to ride in the middle of the car between Jack and Lucy and often puts up with more than I could from them poking and pulling on him.

He loves to be carried around, but facing out of course. He loves being included in everything. 

Sleeping and Eating

What is sleep? This guy is up 2 to 3 times every night to eat. He gets tired around 8:00. Sleeps for an hour or so around 10:00 he eats and goes to sleep. Wakes up around 1:00 eat. sleep. up at 3:00. eats. sleeps and is up around 6:00.
I had a goal to nurse him for at least 6 months. (I only made it to 6 weeks with the other 2 because I was working). We are so close I refuse to stop short but I am not sure I can go deprived of sleep for much longer. He is little, only in the 10% for weight at his 4 month check up (12 lbs 6 oz) so we started him on rice. He loves it!! 
He also has tried banana, peas, and avocado's. He likes all of them but it has not helped to get him to sleep longer. Bummer.


The only thing that has yet to upset this little guy is the pesky tooth creeping in on the bottom of his mouth. He isn't upset to where he cries for a long time but will defiantly let you know its hurting him at that very moment by yelling, almost as if to whine "ouch". We are very thankful for Ora-gel which ends up making him a pretty happy guy again.  

Max is a sweet guy full of personality. He is adorable, tiny (although starting to get a little bit of chub) and so much fun. He can sit up with some help (it wont be ling until it is without help). And loves to lay on the floor playing with his toys.

I have to keep reminding myself that the days are long but the years are short. I am already starting to miss having a tiny baby but looking forward to having a mischievous toddler too.