Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2 months old

My baby is 2 months old, and I am having an unbelievably difficult time with this fact. 
It is so much more difficult this time around opposed to the other kids.
It's not that I love him more, (although his is much more low maintenance thank Jack and Lucy are for the time being.) its just he is my baby.
I know this is the last time I will have a 2 month old. 
I know how fast time goes by and I don't want to miss a thing. 
I feel as a working mom I miss so much.

Here are some fun things we get to enjoy with Maxwell as he grows.
Mr. Max is such a good sleeper. He wakes up 2 to 3 times a night to eat and then goes right back to sleep once he is done. Although I am sleep deprived, I know it could be worse.

At his 2 month appointment with Dr. W (whom we love) Max weighed 9 pounds and 9 ounces and is 23 1/2 inches long.

One of our favorite things about him right now is he wakes up each morning smiling. Its hilarious and adorable. 
His face must hurt from smiling so much. 
He smiles for about a half hour straight at anyone that will talk to him and then takes a nap. I'm sure it tuckers him out being so cute and all.

Max loves to be held but occasionally he gets fussy and the only thing he wants is to be put on a blanket on the floor. 
He loves to look around and just be. 
He will do this for a long time. Sometimes an hour. 
It is pretty impressive at how laid back he is.

At 2 months old he doesn't look like a baby. 
He is so little. No rolls at all, he is so skinny. Has so much hair. 
He just looks like a little man.

His brother and sister love him so much. They love to hold his hand, get him a binkie, or just talk baby talk with him. 
It is down right the best thing ever, my 3 little kiddos. 

We love this little man and are very blessed to have him in our family.