It was 2 days before my due date, and it was an understatement to say that I didn't want to be pregnant anymore.
Not to mention Papa's birthday and the baby's due date were the same day.
I really wanted them to have there own birthday.
So my mom, grandma Sassy took Jack and Lucy for the night Friday.
Matt and I took it easy. And then the morning came.
I was going to do whatever I could to get this baby out.
So we walked, and walked, and walked. We walked a little over 4 miles that morning.
I even did a couple lunges and ran about 20 steps.
Around noon I started to have small contractions. They lasted about 30 seconds and came pretty much every 20 minutes for a long time. Around 5:00 it seemed they had stopped. I was so bummed. Thinking for sure I was having false labor.
So I went for another walk.
The contractions started up again but were still very consistent. One every 20 minutes.
As I have mentioned before the Ririe men are dedicated sports fans. Of course the big rival football game was on that night. Utah vs. BYU. And since I didn't know if I was in real labor Matt's parents, brother and his wife, as well as our nieces came over to watch the game.
Not long after they got there we need snacks. My husband offered to go but as I didn't want to have contractions in front of people without my husband there I said I would go.
No one ever said I was smart.
I walked in the store and had a pretty strong contraction. Okay I thought to myself. Grab the chips and go. By the time I made it to the chips I had another. Yea, its time to go home.
I got home and plopped my whale of a self on the couch and started timing. I had a contraction, took a breath, waited, 5 min later another contraction, breath, waited, 8 min later another. 12 min later another. 5 min later another. For 3 hours it went on like this.
I was getting pretty frustrated. My contractions weren't consistent. You were suppose to go to the hospital when they are 5 minutes apart. Ugg
On the bright side the Utes won. On the downside my contraction were still not regular, it was midnight, and I was exhausted.
Everyone said there goodbyes and left. Matt and I debated on calling my mom to come over and watch the kids just in case I need to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. We decided to have her come over. Better safe than sorry. While she was on her way I went to lay down and rest. My mom arrived by 12:30 and I'm sure that was just what I needed.
The contractions started to come and they came fast. By 12:50 I was having them every 3 to 4 minutes and yea, they were consistent.
I told Matt it was time to go since we had a longer drive to the hospital.
We made it by about 1:10. I don't think we knew what we were in for.
I walk in the front door to the security desk, and had a contraction. He led us to the nurses station. And I had a contraction.
We got to our room quickly, I got undressed and checked in record time and had many contractions. I was at a 7 and shaking so bad from being in so much pain.
I swear not even 5 minutes later I was telling them I had the push.
Those nurses on the other hand were in slow motion.
But boy did I make them move.
The nurse checked me again and I was at a 10. The Dr. (not my Dr. of course) rushed into catch. Our new baby was born. In the water sack of course. Yep my water never broke.
And he was a boy.
A beautiful 6 lb 15 oz 20 inch long baby boy.
He was so small.
And so alert.
And so cute.
Maxwell John Ririe
We are so in love.
You are the best baby, ever. I'm positive.
Our family thanks the Lord everyday for what a wonderful addition you are to it.
Our family thanks the Lord everyday for what a wonderful addition you are to it.