it's not natural
it not that good (in my opinion)
and the passion for it is not normal
but that most likely because I am not a Ririe by blood
Its Macaroni and Tomato Juice.
That's right, I said it, macaroni and tomato juice.
That's it.
Regular Elbow Macaroni and Campbell's Tomato Juice
(ok, Ill be honest its typically not Campbell's brand because lets face it, If I'm going to eat the food I'm usually not going for spending anymore than I have to on some name brand ingredient that will not improve the taste in the least)
Here is why I bring this meal up.
It is a Ririe staple. Its amazing, they could literally live on the stuff.
This isn't a learned skill, its in their blood.
One of the first meals I had with my then to be future in-law was M&T. And I have had it with them many times since then. (Although to my understanding my mother in-law isn't too fond of the stuff either)
I know my brother-in-law and his wife eat it often.
And my children would eat this meal every night for dinner if they could.
It's amazing (and a little weird) the passion that comes with this meal.
Now I do have to admit, I do eat this meal, and I will continue to eat this meal.
Because I married Mr. Ririe and eating M&T for dinner 2 plus nights a week was part of our wedding vows.
And also because its cheap, easy to cook, and my kids will never fight me on it.
Try it, let me know what you think.