It was 2 months ago today that you came flying into our lives and I promise it has been the craziest and best 2 months of my life. And here we thought you would never come.
Being 9 months pregnant is great, don't get me wrong. There is so much anticipation of what is to come. And in our case we didn't know if you were a baby boy or baby girl (which when your finding out or not finding out at 20 weeks is fine) but when you are 8 months pregnant and can't buy a single thing for your new baby to come it pretty much killed me. I am a planner you know but.. it is also a little wearing being the same size as a full grown beluga whale and not knowing when you were coming and honestly I was becoming convinced you were never going to arrive.
We did do some things to prepare for you though. When I was 8 months pregnant we started to take lamaze classes because I was dead set on having you born without using any pain medication. Once a week for 3 hours a night we learned breathing techniques and all about where babies came from. When you decided to come we would be prepared.
When I turned 38 weeks pregnant I knew you were coming that day, and when I went to bed that night and you still weren't here I knew tomorrow was the day. And when you weren't born that day I knew the next day was it for sure. But you still didn't come. And I started to think you weren't ever coming.
Daddy and Momma tried everything. I (daddy) made her eat her weight in hot sauce, and towards the end, I made her indulge in a few glasses of wine. I even tried to shock momma into labor by telling her I lost my job 5 days before your due date (it didn't work, but actually happened). In fact, none of it worked. You wanted to come out when you were ready. Which turned out to be your due date June 20th and Fathers Day at about 2 o'clock in the morning. Mommy woke up with some lower stomach pain. Momma was not sure she wanted to go to the hospital yet, but papa knew better. I knew that momma had never been in that sort of pain before. So I made an executive decision and called Uncle Justin and Aunt Abi to come over and stay with Jackson and I took her to the hospital. Doing my best Dale Jr. impression I got momma to the hospital in about 5 minutes, a trip that included running 2 red lights, and momma's water breaking. Papa was sure that he was going to have to take a crash course in road-side child birth. Luckily for everyone, my racing skills were efficient enough and we were able to make it to the hospital at about 4 in the morning, you were practically half way out. The nurses rushed momma to a room and checked her right away. She was already at 10 cm dilated. I think most of the pain momma endured was just keeping you in until a doctor was available. With about 2 pushes you were out at 4:18 and you were A GIRL! It was easily the craziest night of my life, but one of the best. I can only hope that your flare for the dramatic will decrease over time.
You were 8 lbs 9oz (one ounce bigger than your brother) and 22 in long and so beautiful. So many people came to see in the hospital and were so excited to welcome you into the world and bring you lots of cute clothes and bows.
The last two months have been exhausting and amazing. You are a beautiful and opinionated 2 month old. You have an amazing smile that I could stare at for hours and coos that melt my heart.
We love you with all our hearts and are so thankful that we have been blessed to have you join our family. You couldn't belong more or fit better. We pray that you stay healthy, strong and learn to grow and love the Lord. You truly are a blessing Lucy and your Papa, Jackson and I couldn't be happier!